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Monday, September 29, 2008Just passed my first midterm, or quiz they call it in SBS. 30% of the module. After asking some of my polymate, we agree that its hard to maintain the same mindset we had in poly here in uni. If you find this offensive or yayapapaya, i'm sorry, thats the way we were inspired to be in poly. Last time, whenever we have something we dunno, we would approach the lecturer after lecture or in their office, they would gladly ans our question. The small classroom base lecture really faciliate this approach, where almost everyone knew each other, and we were never shy about voicing our problems. Here the lectures are so big, you just dun feel motivated to ask qns. Mayb its just that i lost my interest or motivation, but i feel in uni, reading the txtbk sometimes beats asking the lecturer, this apply to only some lecturers. How i miss the gd old poly days. You can just call the lecturer up in their room and ask if they are free, so much so we tend to subconsciously memorise their extention number. When i was studying for this midterm, the content was so heavy compared to poly, so applying the basic principle of "must noe everyting to do well" for me, i had a hard time, mayb i m just plain dumb. I think its in the mindset, i just cant ingore the fact that i miss out some parts of the textbook, or lk at past yr and not noe how to ans them. Last time, the ability to know everything in the txtbk ease our anxiety. Now, it irritates me so much i push myself too hard. Initially i was worried about it, i tot i was a freak, having so many unhealthy thoughts. But recently i found out it wasnt only me having this adaptation problem. Many of us wanted to quit sch, becoz we cant find the source of motivation in maintaining such ridiculous mindset. You might find me a freak, a geek, a mugger or anything equivalent. Some say that what we study now is not relavent. For me i have my dreams, nobody seems to understand them. They tell me i am pushing too hard, my mentally is so wrong, I had work so hard to come here from poly, i am not going to stop right here. Sometime i think about the future and ask myself, what i want to be, i have a idea, a ambitious dream, but somehow i fear i cant accomplish it. my motivation is leaking away, i need a sign to tell me i am right on track, to renew my motivation. Another reason is the fact that all my female counterpart from poly seems to be doing so well, you just can ingore the stress to be on par with them. Poly had made me so competitive, its hard to really let go of it. I keep telling myself, it is myself i should be comparing to not others, but its hard to change the habit. The good thing about this is, i dun feel sad or very negative about my life. Instead i feel good, i feel renewed. Here we have to read more papers, i find it more interesting than the textbk. Mayb i haven touch those erxin tough to understand papers yet. I am learning at a pace, i nv tot i would achieve, understanding concepts that i thought would be too hard in the past. The only regret for me, is my langugues standard, so far, it has been an obstacle for me. If only i went JC? nah, if i went there, i would never have been inspired by Dr yuan or be the Delon i am today. Hokkien Ji vulgarities from a Physiological Perspective I have studied reproductive system 4 times, once in O lvl, another 2 in ANP1/2 in poly. Now another time in this module physiology bs201. However this is the first time, i am able to relate many hokkien vulgarities to what i am studying. this might be the impact army has on my thinking. In this post I mean no offense to either sex. Hokkien context of Bo ji Bo ji- No balls, meaning no courage to accomplish certain task when challenge. E.g "Delon bo ji to ask that chio bu for her number" pls take note if sumone castrated he is generally termed as chao ah gua, not boji, boji is used periodically only, sumtime that person who bo ji, can have his ji coming out again: wu ji and proceed to accomplish the challenge from a physiological perspective, there is acutally such situation when the balls of a genetic male do not protrude out (note it is not due to atrophy or shrinking till the extend of unobservable testis) Physiological Explanation of Bo ji During embryonic development, the testes develops in he gonadal ridge means cavity in the abdominal area, UNILL the last month (8month of gestation) Normal balls that push out (descend) throught the inguinal canal into the scrotum. This seems quite far fetch, balls develope in t pelvic area den drop into a bag-like scrotum. but its sumting liddat. For some, this dropping does not occur, so he have balls, but just still inside , i cant imagine his saggy balless scrotum though. This condition is cryptochidism. The testis are outside because spermatogenesis is temperature sensitive, therefore no viable sperm will be produce, and further work have to be done to correlate whether spermless equals to inability to take up challenge. This can be done by a correlation study by examing impotent man and their challange seeking motivation scale. so instead of using boji in daily context, we can consider replace it with the more elegant and scientific form, Cryptorchidism eg. "eh you cryptochid ixxit? dun even dare to jump down from 7th floor" "eh you bo ji ixxit? dun even dare to jump down from 7th floor" but if a note to point out is not to substitute cryptochid with bo ji in scientific contxt qns: what is the term for a person with testicular disorder that is characterise by no spermatogenesis because of the incorrect anatomical location of the testis during embryonic development Ans: Bo ji (suppose to be cryptorchidism) Hokkien contxt of Hum Ji E.g "Delon hum ji arh, say he wan to run 84km, then now back out" This is very similar to bo ji, but it is more commonly used in the context of backing out, or quiting. direct translation means like the balls shrink or restract. Physiological Explanation of Hum ji Spermatogenesis is a temperature sensitive process in the testis to produce the sperm, when environmental temperature changes, they body regulate the position of the testis to maintain the optimum temperature. This is done by the unconscious control by spinal reflex mechanism. when the temp is too hot, the scrotal muscle will relax thus the balls will be hanging freely. when the temp is too cold, the scrotal muscle will contract, brining the balls nearer to the body to prevent heatloss and the body is generally warmer, passing the heat to the balls. when you hum ji, it means you are frighten or intimidated, the limbic system in the CNS will be activated to give the emotions associated with fear, this will also activate sympathetic division of autonomic nervous system, commonly known as fight or flight, during which, there will be widespread vasocontriction of arteriole, which will means the scrotum muscle will contract. bringing about the phenomenon of Hum Ji, another longer term for this is Lan Pa Ji Kiew (shrink) which explain the same phenomenon. In early days when man do not wear clothes, the shrinking of balls when he is frighten or running away is observe by hokkeins and thus the incorporation of this term into their languages. You dun see American or British describing being afaid as "shrinking balls" OMG i spent 20 mins on this dumb post, time to get back to Female reproductive system, somehow i cant seems to visualize it :( |